Scripture Memory

Christian Meditation

I’m sure that there are probably enough blog posts on Don Whitney’s Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life already, but I feel the need to add one more. I’m re-reading through Whitney’s book with a friend and was reminded this week of the necessity and value of meditating on God’s word.  Meditation is something of a …

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Sword Fighting

For the past several weeks I’ve been posting our family’s  verse of the week. I was asked yesterday on Facebook whether we memorized it or talked about it during the week. The answer is both. We memorize it, talk about it, and engage in other Bible reading that is related to the verse. We are …

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When Our Fears Seem Louder Than God’s Promises

Recently, my son had a bad dream.  It was a really bad dream, the kind that he talked about the next day and that had him scared to go to sleep the next night.  I knelt by his bed with him as he recounted the details.  There was a witch, a creepy forest, scary kids, …

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