
Take Sin Seriously

Mark 9:42-50

The reality and evil of sin are often lost on our modern culture that focuses on pain and therapy instead of sin and redemption. Sin is a problem because God is holy. 

TBQ: Why is sin such a big deal?

By Scripture Alone









2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Bible is the record of God’s saving works of mankind. Every word of it proves true and it is essential for the salvation of sinners. How do you view the Bible?

God’s Provision

Romans 11:5-10. God has given his grace so that his promises could and would be fulfilled. God’s promises will be fulfilled, not because of the ability of people but because of the good grace of God.

Is Jesus Your Savior or Your Lord?

Much ink has been spilt in the last twenty years or so over an issue known in theological circles as “the Lordship controversy” (See John MacArthur’s take here). In a nutshell, the issue comes down to the question of whether or not you can have Jesus as your Savior but not your Lord. Since so …

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