
Only God Can Judge Me

Romans 14:1-12. Paul makes clear in this passage that God alone judges, but the primary emphasis is no on defending oneself, but on abstaining from judging others. Our goal should be should be building up others, not judging and tearing them down.

The Marks of The Messenger

Romans 12:9-21. Paul shows some of the characterizing marks of true Christianity. If you claim the name of Christ, you should look like his follower.

They Mystery of God

Romans 11:25-36. We can and cannot know the mind of God. We can and should know his revealed will and follow it closely, but we cannot know the secret hidden will of God. The secret things belong to the Lord and we should trust him with those secrets.

A Heart For The Wayward

Our theology should always result in a greater love for God and a desire to share his love with others. We should especially be concerned for those we know best who do not live as Christians.

The Love of God

Romans 8:31-39. God’s love is not only an action on his part; his love is tied up in the very essence of his being. Showing love to creation is not optional for God, it is a part of his nature that cannot be hidden.

Follow Your Heart To Destruction

Just follow your heart. Are you in love? Follow your heart. Deciding on a job? Follow your heart. Moral decisions? Follow your heart. But, what if your heart is wrong? What if your heart isn’t even trustworthy? Of course Jeremiah 17:9 warns us that the heart is deceitful and wicked, but that’s not all. Romans …

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Commentaries on Romans

I am currently preaching on the gospel through the book of Romans.  For those who might be interested, here is a list of very helpful commentaries I am using. I’ve listed them in order of helpfulness to me. You may be interested to know that the first two commentaries listed are Carson’s #1 and #2 …

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