
Episode 7: Don’t Lead Your Children To Sin

Parents, read the Proverbs and take them to heart. Train up a child in the way that he or she should go. But, beware of how you may be leading your children astray. Beware, because for those who lead others astray, it would be better if they were drowned in the sea with a giant stone around their neck. Beware, because by leading your children to sin, you may lead them to hell. These are hard truths and they certainly are not fun, but life is real and eternity is forever, and you are the greatest hope your children have of learning about Jesus.

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Have a Seat at the Kid’s Table

His kingdom is not like any other. His kingdom is upside down and backwards, but it only seems that way because our hearts and minds haven’t been re-oriented to the things of Christ. He invites you to feast on his mercy and grace be satisfied. He invites you to join him at the kids table with all the rich, poor, needy, blind, Jews, Gentiles, slaves, outcast, and free men and women who have understood that only Jesus offers true rest and life. He is enough, and he stands ready to receive you!

When Toddlers Become Terrorists

I love my children. I love and have loved them at all ages. As a family, we have transitioned from two to four kids in the past ten months and that process has at times been very challenging. In fact, this process has amplified a truth that parents often deny: Raising children does not always …

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How To Start Leading Your Family in Worship

Family devotions matter. I know of few Christians who do not believe in the importance of family devotions (or worship), but I also know of few who consistently practice family worship times. In my own family, we often struggle with consistency and when the pace of life quickens, the struggle only intensifies. I was recently …

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The Daily Docket

My Kid is Not Calling—  “So, let’s stop throwing around “calling” when we really mean “life stage” or “career.” It’s not that calling cannot align with these things, but if we carelessly slap “calling” on any and every circumstance, we risk overlooking the unique purposes written into our beings.” God, the Gospel, and the Gay …

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Centering Your Family Life Around Christ

Occasionally, I read something and think, “wow, that’s exactly what I’ve been thinking, but didn’t know how to say” (it happened in this book recently on evangelism and discipleship).  This morning I read a quote in a blog article that said exactly what I’ve been thinking, but couldn’t really put into words.  The article/post was …

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The Pornification of Our Children

Porn is mainstream in America.  We no longer even blush to mention it.  Porn stars are celebrities and books like Fifty Shades of Grey glorify it.  A couple of years ago, Ed Stetzer wrote a short article outlining some of the dangers that included an infographic of stats related to pornography.  You should read Ed’s …

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Faith Like A Child

I am constantly amazed by my children’s imaginations.  They are always seeing things that I don’t see, and hearing things that I don’t hear.  For instance, just the other night, Jonathan was certain that the shadows in his room were a dragon that was going to eat him.  Nevertheless, the boy survived the night although …

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