The Preacher and Prayer

Sometime back a member of our church passed along a worn copy of E.M. Bounds’ book, Preacher and Prayer. Bounds is known for his emphases on prayer and his With Christ in the School of Prayer was one of the first books on prayer I ever read. As for the current book, it laid in my stack of …

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Is Jesus Your Savior or Your Lord?

Much ink has been spilt in the last twenty years or so over an issue known in theological circles as “the Lordship controversy” (See John MacArthur’s take here). In a nutshell, the issue comes down to the question of whether or not you can have Jesus as your Savior but not your Lord. Since so …

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No, You Don’t Know How I Feel

Empathy is the the feeling that you share in another person’s experiences, emotions, or feelings. During times of great loss or trouble, little is as comforting as an empathetic friend. When a young woman lost a child late in pregnancy, she was comforted by her mother who had also lost a child late in pregnancy. …

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Too Busy for Spiritual Disciplines

You are busy. Life is busy. Everyone is busy. In fact, you are too busy to not be disciplined. Think about the necessity of discipline in your everyday life. You are disciplined to go to bed at a certain time, to get up at a certain time, to shower, go to work, tend to your …

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The Right Time

Words can be powerful. Consider these: “At the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” These words are pregnant with meaning. In these words we find, among many other things, the grace of God and his perfect wisdom, love, and understanding. Christ did not die without reason; he died for the ungodly. He died for …

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Watch Out That You Are Not Consumed

The Galatian church had been infiltrated by Judaizers seeking to lead. The gospel that Paul had taught them, a gospel of free grace apart from works, was being threatened by the false gospel of works. In the context of a church divided by false doctrine, Paul pleaded passionately with the Galatians to cling to the …

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