Book Review: Death By Love

Mark Driscoll has turned out several books in recent years, and Death by Love is one of those that is great.  Several reviews can be found for this book on the internet, so I will not waste your time with an in-depth review, but more of a taste and see reccommendation.

This book is written as a series of letters to different people from Mark’s life, each of whom is in need of a touch from the cross.  Examining the theological results of the crucifixion such as propitiation, expiation, atonement, ransom, and justification, Driscoll writes theology that is easily understandable and applicable by all.  I personally found this book to be a very helpful tool for gaining a better understanding of Christ’s work on the cross. 

As we approach Good Friday and Easter, we could all benefit by focusing on the cross of Christ.  After all, that cross is the only reason we can celebrate our life in Christ.  Without the cross, there is no salvation.

In his chapter on Gift Righteousness, Driscoll outlines ten differences between religion and the gospel.  I’ve summarized those in the list below.

1. Religion says that God will not love me until I obey his rules…gospel says that because God has already loved me and expressed this through the person and work of Jesus, I am now free from sin to live a new life dedicated to him.

2. Religion says the world is filled with good people and bad people…the gospel says that everyone is a sinner separated from God and in need of a savior.

3. Religion is about what you do…the gospel is about what Jesus had done–for you, in you, and through you–by grace.

4. Religion is about receiving from God…the gospel is about Jesus giving to us, he gave himself.

5. Religion sees hardship as unloving punishment rather than sanctifying discipline…the gospel reminds us that God is a loving Father who’s discipline is never vitrioloic and who has provided an escape from eternal punishment.

6. Religion is about you…the gospel is all about Jesus Christ and his work on the cross.

7. Religion focuses on the external, visible life of a person and overlooks the internal, invisible life of teh heart where motives lie…the gospel gets right to the heart changing people from the inside out.

8. Because religion is about what we do, we lack assurance regarding our standing before God…The gospel telsl us that because our standing before God is contingent on Jesus alone, we can know with assurance that we are secure as redeemed people (1 John 5:11-14).

9. Religion does not work because it results in either pride or despair…the gospel leads us toa humbley confident, joyous obedience because it teaches us that our rightousness is not our own, but rather a gift from Jesus because of his work on the cross.

10. People pursue religion to possess righteousness…the gospel says that no one is righteous, but that because of Christ’s sacrifice, we can have his righteousness.

I reccommend this book to you, and would recommend it especially to lay people because it makes theology understandable.  Driscoll has a great way of doing that.  I’ve imbedded the video trailer below.

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