You’ve Been Set Free

Are you growing in holiness? Are you advancing in sanctification? Are you looking more like Jesus? So often the concept of sanctification discussed among believers sounds like a lot of work. What are you giving up? Have you walked away from that? How much time did you read your Bible this morning? How much TV are you watching?

Somehow we’ve equated sanctification (holiness) with prudishness and we’ve divorced the concept of holiness from the abundant Christian life that Jesus promised in John 10:10. We’ve made the Christian life about work and drudgery rather than joy. Service to Christ is salve for your soul. According to Paul, “you have been set free from sin.” According to Jesus he offers you an easy yoke and a light burden.

Christian, you have much for which to be joyful. You have eternal life. As if that wasn’t enough, you also have the privilege of joy in all circumstances and the full knowledge that you will never be alone. You are a child of the king.

Sanctification requires discipline, but you have been set free from the bondage of sin to grow in Christ. You’ve been set free to enjoy the person you were created to be as you advance in Christ-likeness. This is not drudgery, it is joy and privilege. The world will be served well by seeing Christians filled with joy because of their freedom in Christ.

Go forth!

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