Book Review: Five Leading Reformers

 I was introduced to FIve Leading Refomers(written by Christopher Catherwood) by a friend who knew that I was planning to preach through the five solas of the Reformation during the month of October.  Christopher Catherwood is not a name that I knew and to my knowledge, I do not own another book published by Christian Focus publishers (  However, I have been pleasantly surprised by both the scholarship and the readability found in this concise little book. 

Rather than focusing on the major themes of the Reformation, Catherwood focuses on the men of the reformation, following Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Knox and Cranmer through their respective reformation attempts.  Catherwood admits his own bias in his writing, but seeks to be honest to the subject, recounting the reformers “warts and all.” 

Much like Nichols’ book, listed below, Catherwood has essentially written an introduction to the Reformation.  Unlike the Nichols book, however, Catherwood digs deeper into the lives of these five men.  Catherwood is careful to appreciate the work of these five men and to acknowledge God’s providential work through the Reformation.  He is just as careful to avoid painting a false picture of the reformers as saints, reminding the reader that Sola Scriptura should be our rallying cry, not any man.

This is a great book to read, but even greater to read during October in celebration of the reformation.  I gladly recommend Five Leading Reformers by Christopher Catherwood.

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