The Daily Docket (7/10/14)

A Chilling New Front in the War on Religious Liberty— Denny Burk writes on an issue we should all be informed about. Why would the ACLU and gay rights groups remove their support for such a measure? Because the current form of the bill provides an exemption for religious employers. The ACLU et al. have decided that the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision gives too much ground to religious liberty. To curtail that trend, these groups will not support the bill as long as it offers broad exemptions to religious employers.

A Sexual Revolution for Young Evangelicals? No.– I came across this last evening.  It encouraged me, hopefully it encourages you as well.

Our Slippery Slopes– Here’s a reminder that we should all be serious about wrestling with slippery slope arguments.  They are real, and they are really worth our time.

What Effective Pastors do With Their Time–Pastors of effective churches spend twenty-two hours in sermon preparation each week versus four hours for pastors of comparison churches.

Evangelism at EaseRarely are we quick to imbibe Paul’s methodology, forsaking eloquence and superior wisdom to only know Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 2:1–3). We tend to forget that even the most compelling arguments, the most logical defenses, cannot draw a heart to Jesus, because it is Jesus who draws a heart to Jesus.



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