The Daily Docket 6/11/2014

Colleges and Evangelicals Collide— Here is one more example of why it is getting increasingly difficult to be Christian at college.  Our colleges and universities are open to all kinds of ideas, but increasingly, the important ideas are only those that do not conform to or fall in line with biblical Christianity.

A Way Forward For The United Methodist Church— The UMC is divided over homosexuality.  This article briefly explains the issue.  This contentious issue has the potential to divide the United Methodist Church.  May we pray that this once evangelical denomination would regain the passion and vigor of her founding fathers.  UMC leaders may do well to heed the words of Al Mohler on this issue.\

Pastors aren’t Born, but Formed

4 Changes that Jesus’ Second Coming Produces In Us— We talk a lot about Jesus’ first advent, but we need to talk about his return as well.  The second coming of Jesus is a big deal.

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