The Daily Docket

My Kid is Not Calling—  “So, let’s stop throwing around “calling” when we really mean “life stage” or “career.” It’s not that calling cannot align with these things, but if we carelessly slap “calling” on any and every circumstance, we risk overlooking the unique purposes written into our beings.”

God, the Gospel, and the Gay Challenge—  “This points to the greater issue at stake here — the Gospel. Matthew Vines’s argument does not merely relativize the Bible’s authority, it leaves us without any authoritative revelation of what sin is. And without an authoritative (and clearly understandable) revelation of human sin, we cannot know why we need a Savior, or why Christ died.”

Explaining Hard Things To Our Children— Back to the topic of children, “I know many more situations and hard discussions will come up in my life as a parent. As much as I’d like to avoid it, I can’t. And I can’t sugar coat the realities of life. But I can give my children hope. By recounting the story of creation, fall, and redemption, I can help them understand what happened to God’s perfect world, how Jesus came to save us, and how one day, all the hard and painful stories of life will end. And then we’ll begin a new chapter, one that will never end.”

Four Blood Moons— It seems that our current culture will not get enough of off the wall prophecy and heaven tourism books.  The Four Blood Moons craze is one of the latest fads.  Challies has a good review and critique of the book and the movement it started.

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