Sermon On The Mount Resources

I am concluding a series on the Sermon on the Mount that has been ongoing since March.  It has been a wonderful experience for me spending so much time studying this incredible sermon from our Lord.  I pray that it has also been a wonderful time for our church as they have learned with me from Jesus’ teaching in the book of Matthew.  For those of you who may be looking to preach the SOM sometime in the near future, I’ve listed several of the resources I have used.

  • Studies in the Sermon On The Mount.  This is one of the standard texts in any Sermon on the Mount study.  It is exhaustive (585 pages), easy to approach, and enjoyable to read.  It is the collection of Lloyd-Jones work on the SOM which took him years to preach through.  It is not technical in nature, but it is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom on the subject. On the downside, it is LONG.
  • Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount.  D. A. Carson is one of, if not the, premier N.T. Scholars and theologians of our day.  Anything Carson writes is probably worth your time in reading.  This is no exception, he is concise and thorough and includes some good word-studies in this phenomenal work.
  • The Sermon On The Mount. Daniel Doriani might not be a regular name thrown out when one is considering SOM tools, but I have come to respect Doriani’s work in other areas and I found this work to be of high quality and very beneficial.  Again, easily approached and up to date, I and my congregation have been very blessed by the contributions of Doriani.  His illustrations are wonderful. 
  • Matthew in the Tyndale NT Series.  I love the Tyndale series and the fact that IVP has re-printed them is great.  For some of the technical details left out in the books above, I found help from R.T. France.
  • Matthew in the NIV Application Commentary.  Again, a wonderful help and benefit in dissecting the text.
  • The Gospel of Matthew, by James P. Boice.  Boice was an able and apt expositor of the word, much can be learned from his sermons, but this is not the most helpful book for doing SOM work because it devotes less than 30 pages to the SOM.
  • Matthew in the Baker New Testament Commentary which was authored by William Hendricksen. A great overview commentary.
  • The Sermon On The Mount, by R.J. Rushdoony.  This book was a gift to me by one of our church members.  I found some really good stuff in it.

What SOM resources have you used or would you recommend?

1 thought on “Sermon On The Mount Resources”

  1. Allison, Jr., Dale C. The Sermon on the Mount: Inspiring the Moral Imagination, New York, NY: Crossroad Publishing, 1999.

    Ferguson, Sinclair B. The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World, Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1987.

    Greenman, Jeffrey P., Timothy Larsen and Stephen R. Spencer, eds. The Sermon on the Mount through the Centuries: From the Early Church to John Paul II, Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos, 2007.

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