The Daily Docket 6/10/2014

10 Lessons From 10 Years of Public Schooling— I appreciated this article: “I am not opposed to homeschooling or Christian schooling—not even a little bit—but do maintain that public schooling may also be a legitimate option for Christian families.”

We are Never Going to Be Cool Enough— The gospel is important enough for us to be awkward and uncool at times.

Why Kids Don’t Read— Kids don’t read because parents don’t read.

Why “God and the Gay Christian” is Wrong About the Bible and Same Sex Relationships— “It appears to me that Vines starts with the conclusion that God blesses same-sex relationships and then moves backwards to find evidence. This is not exegesis, but a classic example of eisegesis (reading our own biases into a text).”

5 Overlooked Basics of Effective Church Leadership— This is good, common-sense advice.

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